Fredrik's Game&Watch Forum
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19-07-2011 03:08by Jorge (Brazil)#1
Maintenance and trade

Hello, lovers of G&W/other (Nintendo or not). My intention is learn better ways to fix the games, speccialy if there's a common material capable to be used as a spare part of that silver bottom of the G&W, some kind of silver plastic. Should be very good if there's a way to fix the leak of the LCD (black ink seen on the bottom os the screen). I have some ideas, share yours with me. By the way, If someone intends to come to Rio de Janeiro, where I live, for 2014 Soccer World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games, bring the games you want to sell/trade. Bring manuals and boxes too. Then we could meet do trade. I'm not looking for nothing rare, but good/mint conditions are desireble. I like common games and want any that's in good/mint conditions, but would like Mickey MC-25, Octopus OC-22, Turtle Bridge TL-28,Chef FP-24, Fire Attack ID-29, Oil Panic and Casio Boxing BG-20. Communicate through this:

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